"Harry Potter," "Chocolate Rain" win YouTube awards

By Gina Keating

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) -
A puppet show version of "Harry
Potter" featuring a naked Dumbledore and an enigmatic song
called "Chocolate Rain" by a Minnesota graduate student were
among the winners of YouTube's second annual video awards, the
Web site said on Friday.

The song, one of about 30 videos Zonday has posted, has
been covered by singer John Mayer and rockers Green Day, and he
has performed it live on Jimmy Kimmel's late night talk show.

"I would say basically (I started) just like millions of
other people making videos in their living rooms," Zonday told
Reuters. "That's become so much a part of our lives."

A homemade version of the special effects-laden Harry
Potter movies, called "The Potter Puppet Pals in 'The
Mysterious Ticking Noise"' captured the comedy award.

The puppet show features an a capella song with an
appearance by a naked, but not anatomically correct, Professor
and an explosive ending.

Despite a huge number of views and worldwide media
, "I Got a Crush on Obama" lost the politics award to
"Stop the Clash of Civilizations," about prejudices in the
Islamic and Western worlds, by the "global web movement"

The short film winner, "My Name is Lisa" by Shelton Films,
focuses on a teenager coping with a mentally ill mother, while
commentary winner "LonelyGirl15 is Dead!" by "What the Buck
Show" gave a gossipy, arch review of the demise of the popular
Web character.

Winners were chosen from among six nominees in 12
categories, including "Adorable," commentary, eyewitness,
instructional, politics, short film, comedy, creative,
inspirational, music, series and sports.

Nominees and winners were selected by a combination of
means including the number of people who viewed and selected
the short, user-generated videos and "general buzz," YouTube
spokesman Aaron Ferstman said.

The videos in this year's contest received a
quarter-billion views, Ferstman said.

(Reporting by Gina Keating, editing by Todd Eastham)

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