Icelanders and the Scandinavians are Europe's top Internet users, the GfK market research group found in a study published Monday.
In Iceland, an estimated 88 percent of the population aged 14 and above use the Internet regularly, followed by 81 percent in Finland, 76 percent in Norway, 76 percent in Denmark and 73 percent in Sweden, the survey showed.
In western Europe, Malta ranks lowest in terms of Internet usage, with only 25 percent of the population regularly going online, followed by Spain with 35 percent, Portugal with 43 percent and Ireland with 45 percent.
Albania ranks the lowest in all of Europe, with only one percent of Albanians regularly surfing the web.
In Austria, 67 percent of the population are regular Internet users, compared iwth 63 percent in Britain, 61 percent in Germany, 56 percent in France and 53 percent in Italy.
With the exception of Slovenia which has a ratio of 61 percent and Estonia with 60 percent, Internet usage in all eastern Europe countries is less than one person in two, GfK found.
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