Google enlists video ID tools to combat child porn

Google Inc is enlisting the same
image-recognition technology the company uses to trace
copyright violations on its YouTube video site to fight online
child pornography, the company said on Monday.

Google said it is working the National Center for Missing &
Exploited Children (NCMEC) of Alexandria, Virginia to help
automate and streamline how child protection workers troll
through millions of pornographic images to identify victims of

The project is applying so-called video fingerprinting
technology, which Google has been urging media copyright
holders to adopt as a means for policing widespread piracy of
professionally created video programming on the Web.

A small team of Google engineers have worked for more than
a year with federal agencies and NCMEC's analysts in its Child
Victim Identification
Program to create software to automate
the review of some 13 million pornographic images and videos
that analysts at the center previously had to review manually.

The Google technology promises to let analysts more quickly
search the center's video and image databases to identify files
that contain images of child pornography victims. Other tools
from Google also help analysts quickly review video snippets.

Shumeet Baluja, a research scientist at Google said in a
company statement he had recruited a handful of fellow
engineers to create the video detection tools as a side project
to their day jobs during the course of 2007. He describes the
work in a company blog post at http://tinyurl/63n64m/.

(Reporting by Eric Auchard; Editing by Tim Dobbyn)

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