By Reuters
"We are totally committed to maximizing the value of this
asset," Yang told investors on a conference call to discuss
first-quarter financial results.
On the same call, President Susan Decker said it was
"premature" to say whether Yahoo would reach a deal to turn
over some part of the company's Web search advertising business
to rival-turned-Microsoft-counterweight Google Inc.
"It's premature to speculate on what options we may
ultimately pursue or whether some form of arrangement might
result," Decker said, referring to the test the company had
announced two weeks ago of a Google Web search ad partnership.
She emphasized that Yahoo aims to remain a significant
player in the Web search market while also wringing the most it
can in the near term over the revenue it generates from ads
sold alongside its Web search services.
Chief Financial Officer Blake Jorgensen said, as previously
predicted in January, that the company had seen weakness in
financial services, travel and retail advertising sales related
to the U.S. economic weakness during the first quarter.
(Reporting by Eric Auchard, Anupreeta Das and Daisuke
Wakabayashi in San Francisco)
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