High Gas Prices Fuel Move To Online Shopping

By W. David Gardner

The rocketing price of gas at the pump is driving many shoppers to their computers and online shopping instead of to brick and mortar stores, according to a survey released Tuesday.

The report, by business software supplier iCongo, found that one-third of the 2,363 adults surveyed said the high price of gasoline is making them more likely to shop online rather than at a retail store location.

"It's fair to say that consumers may be looking to fire up their computer more often than their car or truck when it comes to retail shopping," said Irwin Kramer, iCongo CEO, in a statement.

The survey, conducted by Harris Interactive, listed other reasons shoppers are increasingly turning to shopping online, but the high cost of gas is the latest impetus pushing shoppers to purchase online.

"Whether purchases are made online or in a store," Kramer said, "these rebate checks are going to have an effect on the overall economy."

See original article on InformationWeek

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