Obama launches Web site to fight rumors

Democratic presidential candidate
Barack Obama

The Web site, at http://www.fightthesmears, offers
detailed responses to several rumors that have continued to
circulate online and in conservative news outlets despite
efforts to knock them down, and encourages supporters to e-mail
those responses to others.

The Web site says the Illinois senator's wife, Michelle,
who like her husband is black, has never used the racially
divisive term "whitey," as some blogs and conservative
commentators have said.

Michelle has never spoken publicly at either of the two
venues where she is alleged to have made the remark, the site

The site also tackles false rumors that Obama, who will
take on Republican John McCain in the November election, is

"Senator Obama has never been a Muslim, was not raised as a
Muslim, and is a committed Christian," the site says.

A photograph shows Obama with his hand on a Bible as he is
sworn into the U.S. Senate, to counter a rumor that he used a
Koran when he was sworn in.

A CNN profile of the Indonesian school he attended as a
child is used to dispel a rumor that it teaches radical Islamic

The site also puts in context passages from Obama's books
that have been excerpted as supposed evidence of his racial
resentments, and contains a video of him leading the Pledge of
Allegiance to dispel a rumor that he refuses to do so.

(Reporting by Andy Sullivan; Editing by David Alexander)

(To read more about the U.S. political campaign, visit
Reuters "Tales from the Trail: 2008" online at

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