site is hacked briefly

Comcast Corp.'s Web portal

The front page of went down shortly before 11 p.m. EDT Wednesday and was replaced with a note saying the hackers had "RoXed" Comcast, according to postings at BroadbandReports.

Comcast spokeswoman Jennifer Khoury said Thursday that the hijacking had been reversed in the morning, but that it was possible some users were still unable to access and Web-based e-mail.

There was no indication that e-mail or other private information was compromised by the attack, Comcast said. It didn't stop customers from getting their e-mail through programs like Outlook.

The hackers appeared to have seized control of the domain name at registrar Network Solutions Inc. and redirected it to other servers, Khoury said.

"We have alerted law enforcement authorities and are working in conjunction with them," Khoury said.


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