Online Petition Favors Windows XP Over Vista

Richard Koman, newsfactor

Windows may or may not be collapsing, as two Gartner Group analysts indicated last week, but Microsoft is receiving substantial pushback against Windows Vista. With less than three months left until Microsoft says it will stop selling and supporting most versions of Windows XP

Resistance is strong enough that InfoWorld Executive Editor Galen Gruman has launched a "Save Windows XP" online petition that has received more than 100,000 responses.

"Millions of us have grown comfortable with XP and don't see a need to change to Vista. It's like having a comfortable apartment that you've enjoyed coming home to for years, only to get an eviction notice," the petition reads.

Will Microsoft Pull an ME?

It's not clear whether businesses are really pushing back on Vista, said Charles King, principal analyst for Pund-IT, in a telephone interview. "We're just a few weeks past Service Pack 1 for Vista," he noted. "The availability of SP1 is usually the trigger point for serious implementations." While business implementation of Vista so far has been minor, "I expect it to pick up speed," King said.

At the end of the day, though, neither Microsoft nor any other company can force customers to buy their wares. "You try to bring them over a little bit at a time," King said. "Business has found XP, especially the Professional version, to be a very stable operating system that gives them what they want."

The High Cost of Vista

In Gartner's critique of Windows, the analysts said that with Vista Microsoft was attempting to move to a new code base that gets them out from under years of legacy code. While that's true, King said, Microsoft did make some missteps with Vista that haven't helped.

"Vista really represents a fundamental rethinking of how the operating system should be designed, especially in the area of security. It's a more sustainable development model for Microsoft moving forward," King said. But Vista stumbled in two areas, he added. "Because of Microsoft's ambitions for the OS, it ran into product delays, which were probably inevitable. Secondly, this was the first version of Windows that required a hardware upgrade."

That means businesses will have to spend several hundred dollars per PC just to run Vista. For large enterprises, that is millions of dollars that Vista's apparent advantages don't seem to justify, King said. And that is just the most visible cost of upgrading; rolling out support and putting out incompatibility fires could drive costs well beyond the cash outlays.

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