Maybe Microsoft Does Have a Clue

Erik Larkin

A seriously goofy Microsoft sales-team video on YouTube titled "Rockin' Our Sales" initially had bloggers and sites like Gizmodo and Engadget jumping on it as another example of how Redmond just doesn't get it. 

But the joke's on them, it seems. Anonymous inside sources say the Springsteen-esque music video was meant as a spoof all along, according to Cnet.

The video, which covers Vista and business reluctance to adopt it, is superbly cheesy.  If I had seen it without knowing it was a joke, I might have jumped on the Microsoft-bashing bandwagon as well. Instead I chuckled at moments like when a female fan with short, dark hair got pulled up on stage to dance with the Boss look-alike.

I will say I'm a bit curious as to why the inside source wasn't named. You'll see anonymous sources used for sensitive topics or leaks, but I can't think of any reason why someone wouldn't want to go on record here. Conspiracy-types might suspect damage control, but it really is too goofy to be real. 

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