With Motion, Cisco Seeks To Extend Reach

By Richard MartinInformationWeek

MSE works exclusively with Cisco wireless gear.

Of course, this level of control requires collaboration agreements. At press time, Cisco had announced a slate of partners that included Hewlett-Packard, IBM, Nokia, and Oracle but notably excluded Microsoft, Palm, Research In Motion, and Symbian. A spokeswoman says the company is "working aggressively" to bring in additional device manufacturers.

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Allowing third-party developers to create apps to run across multiple networks, however, won't mean much without the involvement of leading handset makers. For now, the Motion system is, essentially, a way to manage Cisco wired and WLAN gear and Nokia handsets from one pane. A big step, to be sure, but not the transformation Cisco clearly seeks.

Given the company's dominant market share, though, MSE will create an underlying platform that could give the networking company an even bigger chunk of customers' IT budgets. That's not necessarily a bad thing. Perhaps only Cisco has the networking muscle, engineering chops, and marketing clout to really pull together wired and wireless networks in a way that serves businesses. That's a goal enterprise CIOs should cheer.

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