FCC delays consideration of free Internet plan

By Peter Kaplan

The chairman of the Federal Communications Commission said
he would delay an expected vote on his proposal to auction an
unused piece of 25 megahertz wireless spectrum, with the
condition that the winning bidder offer free Internet access
and filter out obscene content on part of those airwaves,

FCC Chairman Kevin Martin had scheduled the commission to
take up the proposal at its next meeting on June 12. Martin
said on Thursday he removed the proposal from the meeting
agenda to give the commission more time to look into concerns
raised by some wireless carriers.

"I am happy to end up giving people a little more time to
consider this," Martin said.

But Martin hastened to add that he was still committed to
the free-broadband concept. "I think that's a critical goal.
I'm still anxious for the commission to do it," he said.

Martin said he wanted to make sure the FCC's other four
commissioners have enough time to look into the proposal. He
said the agency could still take up the proposal in July and
meet an August timeline for approving the auction rules.

Under that timeline, the auction could be held as early as
the end of the year.

Under Martin's proposal, the winning bidder for the unused
piece of 25 megahertz spectrum also would have to build out the
system to serve half of the U.S. population within four years
and 95 percent within 10 years.

The plan would address criticism from some consumer
advocates, who say the government should take steps to get
broadband service into more U.S. households. It also could win
praise from anti-obscenity watchdog groups.

Under Martin's proposal, the auction winner would be
allowed to use the rest of the airwaves for commercial

The delay gives the FCC more time to look into fears
expressed by some wireless service providers that use of the
airwaves would interfere with wireless spectrum that they
acquired in another FCC auction in 2006. They have told the FCC
the rules governing the new auction should include additional
measures to guard against interference.

Martin said on Thursday that he was not inclined to agree.
He said the rules for the new auction provide the same level of
protection against interference as those in previous auctions,
including the 2006 auction.

"It seems like a fair level to me," Martin said.

(Editing by Braden Reddall)

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