Peter Cohen
Return to Dark Castle is the latest installment of a game series that originally appeared on black-and-white Macs more than 20 years ago. A 2D platformer, the game puts you in the role of an intrepid hero who has to make his way through a castle filled with rats, flying bats, birds, haunted suits of armor, weird creatures on a quest to slay the evil Black Knight. Along the way you have to retrieve magic orbs and defeat your enemies using bags of rocks and other objects.
Return to Dark Castle sports more than 50 brand-new levels including all 30 levels from the original Dark Castle and its sequel, Beyond Dark Castle, remastered and integrated into a new quest. The game features new secret rooms and mini-games.
System requirements call for Mac OS X v10.3.9 or later, G3/500MHz or faster processor, 128MB RAM, 100MB hard disk space.
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