1 euro eBay baby goes home

By Natalie Weinstein, CNET


"The child has been returned to his parents," prosecutor Johannes Kreuzpointer told the AP on Thursday.

The parents had told the authorities the posting had been a joke. Prosecutors eventually agreed and dropped their investigation into child trafficking, the news service reported.

The original ad that ran May 24 stated: "Offering my nearly new baby for sale, as it has gotten too loud. It is a male baby, nearly 28 inches long and can be used either in a baby carrier or a stroller." The parents, both in their early 20s and residents of Unterallgau, were not identified. The bid price, 1 euro, is equivalent to about $1.57.

Otto Gaschler, deputy chief of youth services in Unterallgau, told the AP that the posting was "like a game for them. They never thought that this stupid joke could have such an effect."

Gaschler said he didn't know how exactly how long the infant was away from home but said it was for several days. "The parents always had contact to their son," he noted. A social worker is checking on the family, he told the AP.

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