"Brangelina" babies finally unveiled on Web

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt

People magazine posted the cover of its upcoming issue,
featuring twins Vivienne Marcheline and Knox Leon and their
proud parents, on its Web site, a teaser for a 19-page spread
that will hit newsstands on Monday.

All were dressed in white, and the babies had no
distinguishing characteristics. A smaller photo in the corner
showed the couple's 2-year-old daughter, Shiloh, holding her
new sister.

In a blurb that accompanied the cover photo, Jolie was
quoted as saying that the couple's family life at a sprawling
French chateau was "chaos, but we are managing it and having a
wonderful time."

In addition to the twins and Shiloh, the couple has three
adopted children. Jolie, 33, and Pitt, 44, are one of
Hollywood's most glamorous couples, dubbed "Brangelina" by the
celebrity press. She gave birth to the twins in the French city
of Nice. Hordes of paparazzi waited out the process, but were
unable to penetrate the hospital's heavy security.

The shoot was conducted by photo agency Getty Images, with
People acquiring North American rights to the photos, and
British gossip magazine Hello! all other territories. The Pitts
have said they will donate the proceeds to charity.

The sum involved has developed into an international
guessing game. Rumored price tags for Hollywood baby photos are
often wildly inaccurate, and Radar magazine recently reported
that celebrity publications are not above stoking the hype in
order to boost newsstand sales and Web site traffic.

In the case of the Jolie-Pitt twins, an unsourced report
claimed the worldwide rights sold for $14 million, more than
three times the rumored $4.1 million deal for Shiloh's baby
photos in 2006. People has said that the rumored numbers for
both deals, as well as those for other famous babies that have
adorned its pages, are excessive. But it has declined to

(Reporting by Dean Goodman)

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