Intel Opens Software Marketplace for Small Businesses

Sumner Lemon, IDG News Service

Intel has set up an online store called Business Exchange that's meant to help small and medium-sized business find software applications that runs on the chip maker's hardware.

Unveiled Thursday, Intel's Business Exchange zeroes in on four main product categories: security, storage, telecommunications and business applications. Within each of these categories, users can find information on various products, user-generated feedback and request a quote from vendors, as well as leave their own feedback for others.

The site includes offerings from a range of software companies, such as Microsoft, Salesforce, Symantec and Tripwire, among others, and will compete against IBM's Global Applications Marketplace, a similar site also announced Thursday that opens for business later this year.

Business Exchange includes a link to Intel's Software Exchange, an online shop where users can purchase boxed software.

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